December Newsletter
For years, citizens have been questioning IVGID”s financials. Most of us are not financial gurus, but when there have been so many criticisms of IVGID’s financial practices, it’s refreshing, but not surprising, to see these criticisms were not unfounded.
Moss Adams was asked to explore 4 topics: enterprise funds vs. special revenue funds, punch card accounting, capital projects and central cervices cost allocation. The kindest thing that could be said about the accounting practices of recent years was that they were “UNUSUAL”. In many cases, IVGID’s practices clearly did not conform to GAAP (generally accepted accounting practices).
In each of these areas Moss Adams strongly recommended that current policies and practices be changed. And although staff seemed to agree with most of the conclusions, there still seems to be reluctance to spend money on additional consultant contracts to move forward and fix what is wrong.