One of the most important elements of good government is good communication– especially two-way communication, not just dissemination of information that is often biased.
Our General Managers have typically assumed the role of cheerleaders for the organization instead of sharing accurate information, especially if the news is disappointing.
Informing the public is key, but that information needs to be readily understandable and honest. If the public (and the Board) are given truthful (even though perhaps embarrassing) information, then they can make intelligent decisions.
IVGID purchased software that sat on the shelf for over a year to better organize public requests, and follow their progress. Yes, perhaps there were too many projects all initiated at the same time, but this one should have been a priority.
IVGID and some members of the current Board don’t feel compelled to survey residents and property owners. They take the position that they were elected to represent the public and they can go with their own personal decisions on any matter. This is an archaic notion when we can so readily weigh in on the wants and needs of the vast majority of stakeholders (property owners and residents) through electronic surveys. We send out a monthly utility bill that could easily reach those who aren’t so computer savvy.