After the primary…
The top two vote-getters in the primary do not have the knowledge of IVGID that I have accumulated over the last 6 or more years by regularly attending IVGID Board meetings and delving into IVGID’s intentionally obscure financials.
Neither of them has my experience and understanding of government management, ethics and finance and the role of an elected, not appointed, board.
Neither of them has owned/operated businesses dependent on tourism, like I did, right here in the Tahoe Basin.
One of them (Morris) does not even feel our pain (the Rec/Beach Fees) because he does not own property here. He states “our” rec fee is reasonable, but he doesn’t pay the Rec Fee to IVGID. He says it compares favorably with other areas, but no other area has a rec fee near this level that is paid in addition to property taxes to subsidize public amenities. He apparently does not understand what the fee is. As you heard at the candidate forum, he does not feel it necessary to require a vote of the property owners before approving new bonds.
Trustees are supposed to represent you, not IVGID management. Both Horan and Morris rally to defend staff, and seem to care less about the interests of residents and property owners,
Horan approved the 2016-17 budget without knowing any of the details (in his interview for GM, Mr. Pinkerton stated “the devil is in the details”). He also represented the Board along with Jim Hammerel on the new Trash Franchise Agreement. Did he represent us?
Morris has only been attending IVGID meetings for a matter of months. Before applying to fill the vacant Trustee position, Mr. Horan was seldom seen at IVGID meetings. It takes a lot of time to study IVGID’s operations and these two have not done their homework.
Messrs. Horan and Morris are likeable and perhaps well-meaning, but they are not up to the task of watching out for your interests. That’s the job of a Trustee.” –Judy Mille